Once upon a small town🐄🚜🍑


Once upon a small town is a kdrama starring (Park Soo young) Joy from Red velvet, Choo Young woo and Baek Sung chul.The series is adapted from a web novel. The first ep was released on september 5 2022.

Han Ji yul is a veterinarian from Seoul that unexpectedly gets thrown into the small rural village of Huidong and has to take care of his grandfather's vet clinic. In the village he meets Ahn Ja young, she is the police and the multitasker of the town. She is friends with a cafe owner and farmer by the name of Lee Sang hyeon. Han Ji yul´s city life to a small village is not as ideal as he hopes, he tests his ability to adapt to the dynamics of the small town life.

I´m sometimes biased when it´s an Red Velvet member playing one of the roles in a drama hihihihi(≧ヮ≦) 💕 but this is in my top 3 dramas oof and it's not just for Joy is in it or maybe a little but hear me out👉👈 Another feel good calm and wholesome no plot twist no mystery or big heartbreaks, just another comfort drama for me. I thought Joy could not do a better drama than Liar and his lover but I was wrong. This is her best work in the drama industry. If it has Joy+Animals=Just Amazing!!!!! I also like that when they were filming since there are animals involved the production team created a safe environment, with the advice of veterinarians from the script writing to the actual filming process was done with the presence of vets and professional trainers. The team also said that all the props they used that come in contact with animals were specially made of silicone to ensure safety.