
Whats a Trinket?

A trinket is a small item that gives a lot of value to its owner. A small thing that makes you happy. It can be a small ornament such as a jewel or a ring, a small decorative object or toys and even lighters.

Trinkets are the latest trend among adults.To collect toys such as sonny angels, calico critters and monchichi etc. But collecting toys and trinkets among adults has existed before it even became a trend, common collectibles than now were pokemon cards,barbies,bratz,80 and 90s toys and still are common to collect. But in the new trend wave we are seeing a lot of new stuff.

I think personally, it is very important that adults try to heal their inner child. Many probably felt before that they could not have such things but now think differently that I can have these things. I think it's good that more people open up about their interests. With everything going on in the world, I can see why trinkets have made a comeback. Many try to fill the empty void with the help of small cute things. I also see why it has come back again with the rise of Y2K and kpop influence and of course with the nostalgia, then it is not so strange that there is a new wave.

Blindboxes/blindbags contains random toys, keeping its content a mystery until it's open. This makes a thrilling experience for the person who is opening it.

Sonny Angel-"He may bring you happiness"

Sonny angels launched in 2004 on May 15. The doll was inspired by the character Kewpie. Kewpie was created by the American artist Rose O Neill. In 1909 Kewpie began as a comic strip and became very popular. The name Sonny comes from the toy manufacturer Toru soeya, his nickname was 'Sonny'. Toru Soeya made the dolls to bring comfort to the working women of Japan while the country was undergoing a recession.

There are many different series of the dolls like the animal series,Vegetable,flower,marine,fruit,sweets and etc.These are Regular series. In each series consist of 12 different dolls with different headgear and in every series there is also a secret ver and they are only 50 or 100 in the world.

Then there are Special edition series. In this series there are themes and unique designs. These series are often themed around holidays,different franchises and seasons. They are only available for a short period of time.

Artist collection series is a special edition series that artists have designed.

You can also find another cute character in your blind boxes a Robby. The Robby angel looks a bit like a rabbit.The Robby is pretty rare, you have 10/144 chance of getting one.


Monchhichi is a monkey doll created in 1974 by owner Koichi Sekiguchi who owned the Japanese firm Sekiguchi Co. He based the monchichi on two other of his creations, a stuffed animal in the shape of a monkey (Kuta Kuta) and a doll that sucked his thumb (GeGe).

The face, hands and feet are made out of plastic, while the rest of the body is made of the fur-like material plush. The main feature of the doll is that it has a pacifier, banana or a thumb that can be put into its mouth. Monchhichi from the start had blue eyes but after 1985 they got brown eyes instead.

Monchhichi became popular outside of Japan. Around the world it became a popular toy. In France, Monchhichii is called "Kiki" and in England "Chic-a-boo". Both in Japan and the USA it got its own animated TV series. The name Monchhichi comes from the French word "mon" (meaning "my") and "Petit" ("little sweet thing") In addition, the name also got a hint of "mon" from the English word monkey, and the sound of sucking on a pacifier, "chu-chu" in Japanese. Everything got mixed up and the monkey was named "Monchhichi".

In 2004 (at the 30th year anniversary) the babies were released called Bebichhichi.


Labubu is a character in a series of stories called The Monsters by Hong kong born artist Kasing Lung who was raised in the Netherlands. Labubu is inspired by Nordic folklore.

The character is featured in a number of items by Pop Mart in 2019 Kasing Lung signed an exclusive licence agreement with pop mart leading to the sales of the blind box figure based on The Monsters.

Other characters in The Monsters universe are Zimomo,Tycoco,Spooky,Pato,Yaya, Pippo and Mokoko.Zimomo and Labubu are very similar but how to tell them apart is by their faces and tails. Zimono has a spiked tail and a round face while Labubu does not have a tail and has more of a squarish face.

Sylvanian Families & Calico Critters

Calico critters are made by the company Epoch Co. It's a Japanese toy and computer games company that has been around since 1958. The Calico critter line is one of their most popular toys. The toy line was first introduced in Japan back in 1985 under the name of Sylvanian families when they were released in the Us the were called Calico critters instead because of copyright issues in the country.

The characters are often grouped into families which mostly consist of a father,mother,sister and brother.

Some of my Trinkets!!!

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Cute pictures of trinkets

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